Book review: Me before you (A review I didn’t want to write)

Honestly: I heard many different things about this book. My friend told me that it was so good and I had seen movie posters of it. Well, I was traveling through Korea the other month and had some Won over and found the book at the airport book store. I got it: Me before you by Jojo Moyes

Here is what the book is about, without spoilers:

Lou is out of a job and desperately needs to be employed again. She is willing to do anything. Her family needs her share of income. So Lou takes the job offer of a caregiver for 35 year old former successful company boss William Traynor who is bound to a wheel chair after a being hit by a motor bike. He has secluded himself and is rather unfriendly to anyone around him. Lou takes it upon herself to make him see that he can still enjoy life.

My opinion (still no spoilers) :

So you guys, I was so addicted to the book. I couldn't put it down. It's real and it's captivating and it addresses issues in life you might even find a bit shocking. But it's true and honest a great read but be warned: it will move you to tears

Why I didn't want to write this review (spoilers from here):

The end was so hard to swallow for me and I couldn't agree with Will's decision to go through with Dignitas. I'm sure many of you guys felt the same, while reading. He found love, he found joy and it was still not enough. I also think, how Lou stated it in the book, that he is selfish. He is hurting a woman that truly loves him and doesn't want to loose him. But I understand his feelings of emptiness and that he could be who he wanted to with Lou and that he couldn't bear it. You might have noticed that he never confessed his love to her, even though he admitted that he cared for her and that that was the reason he couldn't tie her to him. It is a well written, honest and at times hard to read book. I gotta be truthful, I didn't like the ending. It made me sad and my thoughts were lingering long on this book and that's why I didn't want to review it. Because love didn't have a chance in the end. Depression and hurt won, even though there was a chance for his life to change and be better. When our life gets tough, do we just give up just because it's not what we expected it to be?

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