Review: The girl who died 

I didn’t write a review for the last Doctor who episode, but this one is worthy of a review. First of all, it was not a very intense or special episode. It was a “normal” one. The Doctor lands in a community that is invaded and threatened by aliens. He doesn’t want to stay but does it anyways. He saves everyone through realizing a ridiculous but clever plan. Not that we haven’t see this before.

SPOILERS AHEAD! What makes the episode so special is his flashback! He is at the verge of loosing it, after the Viking girl died. But then he sees his reflection in the water and remembers how he saved the Italian family in the episode The fires of Pompey with Donna.

As you might now, David Tennant played the Doctor back then and Peter Capaldi was guest starring as the father of the family the Doctor saves. Doctor Who fans were speculating, if Moffat would pick up Capaldis former appreance on the show and turn it into an incredible Doctor Who twist. That would be sooooo sick! I hope they come back to this and have Tennant and Catherine Tate guest star as Capaldi is assuming his former role, but as a the 12th Doctor, who tries to get his Tardis back from the 10th. Wow, that would be great. It sure looks like they could pull it off.

But to be honest, I didn’t understand what Donna was mumbling (and crying) in the flashback. Do any of you guys know what she said?